PDF Splitter 5.2
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PDF Splitter 5.2

PDF Splitter is an application that allows you to divide PDF documents
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4
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117 MB

PDF Splitter is an application that allows you to divide PDF documents. It is advertised as a PDF splitter, but it actually lets you perform other common PDF-related tasks.

PDF Splitter has an interface that is conveniently arranged into three sections. It has a tree-like navigable panel that lets you browse through your files to find the documents you want to work with. To the right of the screen, it has a document viewer to preview your files.

Though the interface is straightforward, it wasn't easy at first to figure out how to start the conversion, as the toolbar buttons are not very descriptive. Once I located the right button, the process was really simple to carry out. In the conversion menu that pops up, you can choose the destination folder, and also perform other tasks such as combine documents, edit header/footer, or rename your split PDFs. The options to split documents are varied; you can divide a document by bookmarks or blank pages, or simply select the pages you want to obtain from PDFs. It is also possible to extract all the pages of a document into separate PDF files. Besides, the app supports batch conversions, allowing you to process more than one document at a time.

In short, although its interface does not look quite attractive, the application works very well and is easy to use, offering several options to work with PDF documents.

MR Senior editor
Mariel Rearte
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Review summary


  • Works very well
  • Supports batch conversions
  • Offers several PDF splitting options
  • Lets you perform other PDF-related tasks
  • Does not require Adobe Acrobat or Reader
  • Easy to use


  • Interface could use some work


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